Just click on the link for all the details
This new two day yoga course will enable participants to use yoga therapeutically as a treatment and rehabilitation tool with their patients through :
This updated two day yoga course will enable participants to use yoga therapeutically as a treatment and rehabilitation tool with their patients through :
This Course is taught by Sarah Marsh BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, MCSP, a highly experienced Yoga practitioner and Physiotherapist.
This two-day course will teach clinicians how to implement a model of yoga for the healthy and complicated pregnancy and post natal period. Attention will be given to yogic prescription based on systemic changes and natural phenomenon experienced during pregnancy and the post natal period.
You will improve background knowledge of;
respiratory anatomy and physiology
pulmonary pathologies and pathophysiology, inc CXR &Ax
breathing patterns
respiratory problems amenable to physiotherapy
range of treatment skills relevant to each problem & rationale- choosing
respiratory failure- Type I or II? What to do? ABGS
physiology associated with ventilation/ NIV/ CPAP
Practical elements within above;
positioning- lung vol, VQ, during chest clearance
suction- nasal demo + open, closed, use of airways
NIV/CPAP/ cough assist
ALL breathing techniques and modifications
early mobility/ exercise- when appropriate
This two-day course will help health care professionals integrate evidence-based psychological techniques and strategies into their routine clinical work.
Ideal for physiotherapists & other clinicians who want to add Ultrasound Imaging to their assessment & Management of Male & Female pelvic health patients.
1st time live face to face in the UK : Specialist course with Suzanne Carney to assess and treat mums with mastitis, blocked ducts , cracked nipples & much more
This will be one of the few Paediatric and adolescent Pelvic Floor and health courses to be run in the UK. With a focus on external techniques, education, behaviour modification, exercise and external pelvic floor techniques this course will equip delegates to add this specialised area of pelvic health to their clinical practice.
The course will focus on Paediatric Pelvic Health : The next frontier in Pelvic Physiotherapy.
Tutor: Carina Siracus PT, DPT, WCS
Carina Siracusa, PT, DPT, WCS practices with Ohio Health in Columbus, Ohio, USA where she is a pelvic floor therapist and the program coordinator for the oncology rehabilitation team. She also works closely with the OhioHealth Neuroscience tower where she heads up the wheelchair clinic as well as the neuroincontinence program. She served as the CAPP Pelvic Committee Chair from 2011-2015. She has been teaching for the Section on The American Physical Therapy Women’s Health section for over 5 years. In 2017 she was part of the 1st Focused Symposium on Paediatric Pelvic Health at WCTP 2017 in Cape Town. Carina is one of the few pelvic health physiotherapists to specialise in both paediatrics and paediatric pelvic health giving her a unique perspective on these young patients.
9.00 - 9.30am Opening Keynote
Mr Bill Rea, Consultant in Pelvic Pain, Univ Hospital Bham
"Current Thoughts in Pelvic Pain Management"
9.30 - 10.15am
Dr Sandy Hilton: APTA, Entropy Physiotherapy, Chicago, USA.
"Bridging the gap: Musculoskeletal, Pain Science & Pelvic health"
10.15 - 10.30am
Mr Bill Taylor: Pelvic Health Specialist, Taylor Physiotherapy, Edinburgh
"Men’s Health Physiotherapy: PT has so much to offer "
10.30 - 11.00am
Coffee, Trade exhibition & Networking
11.00 - 11.45am
Dr Ruth Jones: Cerian Life, Dr Ruth Jones Physiotherapy, Hampshire.
"The Athletic Pelvis & Pelvic floor" It matters a lot
11.45 - 12.15
Expert Panel Discussion
Mr Bill Rea, Dr Sandy Hilton, Mr Bill Taylor, Dr Ruth Jones
12.15 - 1.15: Lunch, Trade Exhibtion & Networking
1.15 - 2pm
Miss Maria Elliott / Mr Tim King: London Pelvic Health Group
"What has biomechanics got to do with Ante & Post natal"
2 - 2.30pm
Miss Catherine Brown: PhD Canditate, University of Limerick
"Pelvic Health & Neuro": From PhD to clinical practice
2.30 - 3pm
Mr Gerard Greene Birmingham Pregnancy, Post Natal & Women’s Health Clinic
"Lessons learnt from developing a pelvic Physiotherapy Clinic”
3.00 - 3.20pm Coffee, Trade Exhibition & Networking
3.20 - 4pm
Mrs Clare Lait Specialist Oncology & Macmillan Physiotherapist
"Exercise & Oncology : Breast cancer to Prostate" It works
4pm - 4.30pm
Expert Panel Discussion
Maria Elliot, Tim King, Catherine Brown, Clare Lait
4.30 Summary, Conclusion and raffle prizes
Pre Summit Course with Dr Sandy Hilton ( APTA, Chicargo , USA)
Friday 17th June 2016
"An Intergrated approach to the Pelvic Patient: Linking the Pelvic floor, Manual Therapy and Pain Science"
Fee: £147 ( See separate link)
This course will cover common conditions that present to pelvic health physios that are related to post natal trauma .
Join us for one of Ireland's 1st Physiotherapy courses to assess and treat mums with mastitis, blocked ducts , cracked nipples & much more.
This one-day course will enable clinicians to:
Aims of the one day course are -
1. Introduction to Airway clearance techniques
2. Understand airways physiology, ‘normal’ airway clearance and reasons for sputum retention.
3. The AD Technique- explanation, delegate demo and try out–breathing pattern and lung volumes
4. The different breathing techniques, ACBT,PEP, Flutter, Acapella.
5. How breathing techniques work -physiological basis of the breathing technique and lung volume
6. Further to point 5 understand how the technique will be tailored to the individual patient
7. Understand the impact of pathology on sputum production and clearance
8. Understand the use and impact of Cough Assist, IPPB/NIV in ITU/Poorly Patients
9. Be able to evaluate patient problems and demonstrate a high level of reasoning when considering individual case studies
This practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector:
On completion participants will have:
For the £30 booking fee, you will recieve £30 worth of free formthotics to use straight away back in your clinic!
Event Description
This 2 day Introductory Men’s Health physiotherapy course will focus on the Assessment and management of the patient Pelvic Health related conditions. It will introduce the physiotherapist to the variety of conditions these men present with including Male Pelvic Pain, male athletic pelvic pain & post prostatectomy urinary incontinence. This course will also focus on addressing the challenges of setting up or building a men's health PT service.
Who should attend?
Designed for Male & Female physiotherapists who want to develop/update their knowledge of Men’s Health Physiotherapy. It will equip you to start working with male patients with pelvic disorders and to develop a new role or service.
Learning Objectives
This practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector:
On completion participants will have:
For the £30 booking fee, you will recieve £30 worth of free formthotics to use straight away back in your clinic!
This innovative two day course sponsered by is designed for both Musculoskeletal, Sports and Women’s health Physios, Chiros, Osteopaths and Sports Therapists who want to learn more about the assessment , treatment and management of pregnancy related conditions.
Participants on this Course will cover:
When: Saturday/ Sunday 6/7th June 2020
Cost: £e tbc
Tutor: Mr Gerard Greene Pregnancy, Post Natal & Women's Health Physiotherapist
Details to follow
This twilight practical live online course will be delivered over two Tuesday evenings ( Tuesday 22nd March and Tuesday 29th March 2022 6-9pm )
Safe Use of Acupuncture during Pregnancy
This new one day course is ideal for Physiotherapists, midwives, osteopaths, chiropractors and other healthcare clinicians to learn how the use of acupuncture alongside manual therapy treatments can be used in the management of the pregnant patient.
Participants on this course will:
This one-day course will enable clinicians to:
This one-day course will enable clinicians to:
This one-day course will enable clinicians to:
Tutor: Dr. Paula Agostini PhD MSc MCSP
Paula works as a Clinicial Specialist in Thoracic Surgery in Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. She is a recognized expert in respiratory physiotherapy having multiple peer reviewed publications in impact rated Journals and having presented at numerous conferences. She has extensive experience of delivering high quality respiratory CPD courses in the UK and Ireland. She is an External Guest lecturer for Birmingham University and University of Central England. She has just completed her PHd in Respiratory Physiotherapy in Coventry University.
Respiratory Oncall made easier with Dr Paula Agostini April 2019
You will improve background knowledge of;
respiratory anatomy and physiology
pulmonary pathologies and pathophysiology, inc CXR &Ax
breathing patterns
respiratory problems amenable to physiotherapy
range of treatment skills relevant to each problem & rationale- choosing
respiratory failure- Type I or II? What to do? ABGS
physiology associated with ventilation/ NIV/ CPAP
Practical elements within above;
positioning- lung vol, VQ, during chest clearance
suction- nasal demo + open, closed, use of airways
NIV/CPAP/ cough assist
ALL breathing techniques and modifications
early mobility/ exercise- when appropriate
Respiratory Oncall made easier with Dr Paula Agostini 29th June 2019
You will improve background knowledge of;
respiratory anatomy and physiology
pulmonary pathologies and pathophysiology, inc CXR &Ax
breathing patterns
respiratory problems amenable to physiotherapy
range of treatment skills relevant to each problem & rationale- choosing
respiratory failure- Type I or II? What to do? ABGS
physiology associated with ventilation/ NIV/ CPAP
This innovative one day clinical courseis ideal for physiotherapists with an interest in Women’s and Men’s Health wanting to refresh, update or develop their Ultrasound imaging skills.
Gerard has developed 3 specialist pelvic health clinic in West Midlands . He has delivered strongly evaluated ultrasound imaging courses in pelvic health for Mrs Maria Elliot and is actively involved in US imaging pelvic health research in Coventry University. He has taught pelvic health physiotherapy courses in Ireland, UK, Japan, South Africa and has mentored numerous female and male pelvic health physios in the use of ultrasound imaging.
This innovative one day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists who want to add Ultrasound Imaging to their assessment & Management of pelvic health patients.
This new course allows participants to integrate evidence-based Physiotherapy Pilates techniques and strategies into their women’s health practice to include Pelvic Girdle pain, Rectus Diastasis, Post Natal rehab and pelvic floor re-training.
Ticket cost €147
This new course allows participants to integrate evidence-based Physiotherapy Pilates techniques and strategies into their women’s health practice to include Pelvic Girdle pain, Rectus Diastasis, Post Natal rehab and pelvic floor re-training.
A Practical Evening on Male Pelvic Pain
with Mr Peter Dornan ( APA, Author , Pelvic Pain : An MSk Approach)
Peter Dornan is an Australian Physiotherapist and viewed by many as the God Father of Men’s health Physiotherapy. His books are viewed as seminal texts on Pelvic Pain management from an MSk perspective. This is a unique opportunity to spend an evening with Peter as he delivers a hands on practical seminar on his approach to Pelvic pain and dysfunction. Due to the practical element places will be limited .
Paediatric Pelvic Health
Coming Autumn 2018
With Carina Ciracuse
Both in Birmingham & Dublin
More info soon!
The South African Society of Physiotherapy is delighted to host Jo & Gerard to introduce our physiotherapists to this field of practice.
This 2 day Introductory Men’s Health Physiotherapy course will focus on the Prostate Cancer Patient with urinary & erectile dysfunction and the Male Pelvic pain patient:
A new LIVE ONLINE one-day course which will prepare Musculoskeletal physiotherapists to assess, treat and manage key conditions of pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain. It will also enable musculoskeletal physios to identify conditions that require more specialist pelvic health physiotherapy such as prolapse, urinary dysfunction, obstetric anal sphincter injury and pelvic pain.
Course Outline: Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain has a high incidence and is a leading cause of both physical and psychological disability. Post-natal PGP also affects a significant number of women yet finding physiotherapists who are comfortable and competent to see these women can be challenging. Rectus diastasis has a high incidence post-Nataly and has been associated with an increased incidence of pelvic floor dysfunction such as stress urinary incontinence, pelvic pain and prolapse. Women with diastasis also face challenges locating physiotherapists who are happy to see them. Post- natal return to sport, exercise and activity can be limited due to obstetric anal sphincter injury, pain, diastasis, urinary symptoms and other pelvic floor disorders. Musculoskeletal physiotherapists are well placed to assess, treat and manage all of these conditions.
Details to follow
Autumn dates to be confirmed
Tutor: Dr Carina Siracusa
Join us for one of the 1st Live Online Physiotherapy course to assess and treat mums with mastitis, blocked ducts , cracked nipples & much more.
Sun, 26th March 2023: 9am-5pm
Evidence based pattern recognition from the history taking to identify neural tissue involvement in common upper and lower quadrand presentations.
Differential testing to determine neural involvement upper / lower quadrants
Relating pain mechanisms to the real world of clinical practice
Upper/ lower limb Nerve palpation : What we learn from it?
Refining neurological testing and how central senstisation affects it
What are we really doing with neurodynamic testing
Key management hands on techniques for upper and lower neural dysfunction : Making cervical and lumbosacral radiculopathy easier to treat.
What do we tell the patient is happeing ?
Naqi soft tissue courses are highly practical workshops which provide a clear understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice.
Join us to develop expertise in the application of Soft Tissue techniques for
Cervical & Thoracic Region
Lumbar & Pelvic Regions
Piriformis & deep hip structures
Common lower limb sports presentations
Naqi soft tissue courses are highly practical workshops which provide a clear understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice.
Join us to develop expertise in the application of Soft Tissue techniques for
· Cervical & Thoracic Region
· Lumbar & Pelvic Regions
· Piriformis & deep hip structures
· Common lower limb sports presentations
Tutor: Mike Grice , B Osteopahty, Pg Cert Clinical Anatomy, International tutor.
Naqi soft tissue courses are highly practical workshops which provide a clear understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice.
Join us to develop expertise in the application of Soft Tissue techniques for
· Cervical & Thoracic Region
· Lumbar & Pelvic Regions
· Piriformis & deep hip structures
· Common lower limb sports presentations
Venue: Birmingham Movement Clinic, Haborne , B17 9AH
Tutor: Mike Grice , B Osteopahty, Pg Cert Clinical Anatomy, International tutor.
Naqi soft tissue courses are highly practical workshops which provide a clear understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice.
Join us to develop expertise in the application of Soft Tissue techniques for
Tutor: Mike Grice , B Osteopahty, Pg Cert Clinical Anatomy, International tutor.
Tuesday 10th & Tuesday 17th May 2022 , 6-9pm ( the course will be deliverd live online via zoom over 2 evenings ). It will also be fully recorded for delegates.
Breathing Better: helping our patients and ourselves to breathe better, looking at the science and the practice.
Course Overview:
The link between our breath, body and mind is well documented. How we breathe impacts our whole body, our cardiovascular system, nervous system, energy levels and mood. This course is for healthcare professionals who see patients with chronic pain, pelvic pain, long terms conditions such as cancer, or those simply struggling with an injury. The anxiety these conditions bring impacts how we breathe. The continued impact and challenges around Covid-19 weaves into this anxiety too and can affect how we breathe. In this course we’ll look at assessing and changing breath patterns, the benefits of good breathing, and developing accessible breath practices to use with patients and ourselves.
This 3-day introductory Men’s Health Physical Therapy course will focus on the assessment and management of the Men's Health PT patient. The course will focus on the detailed history taking of the complex conditions men with pelvic dysfunction present with. Conditions that will be introduced and focused on will be male pelvic pain, male athletic pelvic pain, hard flaccid syndrome, post prostatectomy urinary incontinence, and post prostatectomy erectile dysfunction. This course will also focus on addressing the challenges of setting up or building a men's health PT service.
Who should attend?
The course is designed for male and female PTs who want to develop/update their interest in Men’s Health PT, including those with a Women’s Health, Musculoskeletal or Sports background. The course will equip you to start working with male pelvic patients and to develop a new role or service. Gerard has a strong track record of teaching mixed groups of physical therapists and also those who are new to either male pelvic health or pelvic health PT.
Course Content
• Male Pelvic Floor anatomy, function and dysfunction
• Developing detailed history taking skills with these complex conditions
• Exploring the complex psychological, emotional, cognitive, social & behavioural aspects of the conditions these men present with
• Internal Examination in Men’s Health Physiotherapy
• Assessment & Management of Male Pelvic Pain
• Introducing the EZ Magic therapeutic device and its role in management of pelvic pain and building self-efficacy
• Role of Musculoskeletal & exercise based physiotherapy in the male pelvic pain patient to include athletic pelvic pain; Bridging the musculoskeletal, sports & pelvic health gap
• Role of trans-abdominal ultrasound scanning and its use in the over or under active male pelvic floor
• Introduction to the management of pelvic floor dysfunction and urinary incontinence in a post prostate cancer surgery patient
• Introduction to post prostatectomy erectile dysfunction
• How do develop a Men’s Health Physiotherapy service & role: An expanding role for Physiotherapists
Pre-requisites: There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Join Sarah for ...
This new two-day course introduces physiotherapists and healthcare professionals to using a yoga-based approach for treatment and rehabilitation with their patients. There is increasing evidence supporting the benefit of using yoga to help many health conditions from musculoskeletal conditions, chronic pain, healthy ageing and mental health conditions.
Course overview
As our knowledge of the link between mind and body increases more people are turning to yoga and other complimentary therapies. As physiotherapists we are ideally placed to assist this; through assessment and diagnosis we can manage patients rehabilitation, progressing their movement and activity levels safely and effectively. We are an important link and have an increasing role in the growing movement of yoga in healthcare.
This updated two day yoga course will enable participants to use yoga therapeutically as a treatment and rehabilitation tool with their patients through :
Manual Therapy in Sport
This innovative two day clinical course will enable participants to:
This hands on course will focus on Manual Therapy and Clinical Reasoning Skills to Enhance Patient Assessment and Management
This innovative one day clinical course will enable participants to:
Incorporate a Mechanisms Based Approach to Clinical Reasoning
Become confident with pain mechanisms
Become confident with using neurodynamics for both assessment and treatment
Development & refinement of spinal techniques
Learning spinal functional manual therapy techniques
Developing peripheral functional manual therapy techniques
Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Manips
Prepare you for working in a hands on Physiotherapy clinical environment getting better and more rewarding patient outcomes.
A 1 day LIVE ONLINE via zoom course for Physiotherapists and healthcare professionals to increase their knowledge on the changes experienced by women at this life stage, and the impact this has on treatment and management plans.
All women will go through menopause and as healthcare professionals, whatever our speciality, women’s health or MSK, we will see these women for conditions some influenced directly by hormonal and menopause changes and others that need an understanding of the impact menopausal symptoms can have.
Menopausal symptoms are varied, from pelvic floor changes and muscle and joint aches and pains, weight gain, hot flushes and mood swings. Not all women will have all symptoms and this life transition is individual for each woman.
What we do see, is that this happens at a time in women’s life when they have many other commitments; work and career, elderly parents, growing children, maintaining existing or developing new relationships.
This can make it hard for them to be consistent with an exercise programme, their rehab or to take time out for themselves.
There is increasing evidence of the value of a holistic and biopsychosocial approach to supporting these women.
This course will develop healthcare professionals’ skills to offer a clinically reasoned approach to do that, structuring treatment, management of symptoms and lifestyle strategies on an ongoing basis to improve outcomes and long-term quality of life.
The Course will enable participants to:
***As delivered on the Mummy MOT for Maria Elliot***
"Taught by clinicians for clinicians "
"Ante & Post Natal Applications of Dynamic Taping"
This exciting & newly updated practical Seminar will enable participants to:
Develop their understanding of the role of Dynamic taping
Develop expertise in the application of Dynamic for Ante
& Post Natal presentations including :
This free practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector: providing competency to prescribe & fit formthotics for a range of clinical conditions.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
ï‚· Review the anatomy and physiology of the Cervical Spine to the pelvic floor
ï‚· Define normal abdominal and thoracic pressures and how these pressures are increased with normal postures, positions and activities.
ï‚· Discuss the typical dysfunctions of the upper quarter and how these regions have input to changes in physiology of the trigeminal and vagal ANS
ï‚· Explain the relevant effects of upper quarter stiffness on fatigability of the pelvic floor muscles and training
ï‚· Outline new concepts of intervention techniques to reduce the effects of cervical/thoracic dysfunction on the respiratory, neurological and musculoskeletal systems
This new Hybrid course on Men’s Health Physio will focus on assessment and management of the Male pelvic health patient.
This practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector:
On completion participants will have:
For the £30 booking fee, you will recieve £30 worth of free formthotics to use straight away back in your clinic!
Sat, 19 Nov 2022: 9:00am - 5:00pm
This course will Introduce the Assessment , Treatment and Management of different types of Bowel Dysfunction
Coccyx and sacral related pain is challenging to assess and treat and difficult for patients to cope with. This new course addresses that.
Tuesday 20th and 27th June 2023 , 6-8.30pm UK time ( the course will be deliverd live online via zoom over 2 evenings ).
It will also be fully recorded for delegates.
Breathing Better: helping our patients and ourselves to breathe better, looking at the science and the practice.
The Breath Course for Physios & Health Professionals : Breathing Better, helping our patients and ourselves to breathe better, the science and the practice.
This twilight practical live online course will be delivered over two Thursday evenings
( 6-9pm )
The Breath Course for Physios & Health Professionals : Breathing Better, helping our patients and ourselves to breathe better, the science and the practice.
This twilight practical live online course will be delivered over two Thursday evenings
( 6-9pm )
A Live online course for Physiotherapists with an interest in bowel and bladder dysfunction in the neurological patient.
Did you know?
- 78-90% of patients with MS have bladder issues
- 68% of patients with MS have bowel issues
- Many people with acute CVA suffer from neurogenic bladder and incontinence
- People with ALS are 2x more likely to suffer from constipation
- People with Parkinson’s are more likely to suffer from urinary urgency which leads to an increase in falls and morbidity
- All of the above can be helped by pelvic floor physiotherapy!!!!
Pelvic health physiotherapy is an area of rapid professional growth and development with more awareness of conditions such as urinary dysfunction, obstetric anal sphincter injury, bowel dysfunction, prolapse, perineal trauma and constipation.
Developing further expertise in pelvic health is challenging and can be a source of frustration to clinicians. Lisa Hastie is an experienced Pelvic Health Physio who has worked in the NHS as a specialist for 15 + years and has been involved in the education and training of other physios in the NHS, UK & internationally.
Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition that patients can find difficult to get high quality information on and treatment for and is a cause of much distress and physical limitations. Physiotherapists have a big role to play in this condition.
This brand new course is ideal for the women’s health physio who wants to develop their clinical skills and scope of practice and further help the women of their communities.
Course Focus
This course will be delivered over two days ( 8-12pm UK time ) on Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th October 2022
Jo will focus on the Assessment and Management of the Pre and Post Prostatetomy patient. There will be an emphasis on the use on non invasive ( external ) assessment techniques to include diagnostic Ultrasound imaging which formed part of Jo's PhD. The course will address the management of common conditions such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. Jo will also outline the important role of Physio led exercise classes for this patient group. This course will be of interest to international and UK physios who are either currently working in Men's or Womens' Health but want to develop more expertise in these conditions especially Prostate Cancer. It is also suitable for Physios who currently have no experience of Pelvic health but have an interest in getting involved in Men's Health Physio and are keen to use non invasive techniques. Jo has the ability of bringing her extensive and unique men's health clinical and research experience to her teaching. It will be a great two days which will impact hugely on the participants' clinical practice.Â
Managing Menopause for Physiotherapists & Health Professionals : Treating and supporting women through perimenopause, menopause and beyond.
Join us for one of the few "Live" online Physio course to assess and treat mums with mastitis, blocked ducts , cracked nipples & much more
Saturday ( 9am-5pm )
Sunday (9-1pm)
Spread over two evenings: LIVE ON ZOOM
Thursday 13th & Thursday 27th October 2022, 6-9pm (Catch Up Available)
This course will cover common conditions that present to pelvic health physios that are related to post natal trauma
Our initial courses in 2021 sold out quickly!
This innovative Live online course via Zoom is designed for both Musculoskeletal, Sports and Women’s health Physios, Chiros, Osteopaths and Sports Therapists who want to learn more about the assessment , treatment and management of pregnancy related conditions.
Sat, 3rd Dec & Sun, 4th Dec 2022, 09:00am - 05:00pm
It will focus on the detailed history taking of the complex conditions these men present with. Conditions that will be introduced and focused on will be Male Pelvic Pain, male athletic pelvic pain , hard flaccid syndrome, post prostatectomy urinary incontinence and post prostatectomy erectile dysfunction . This course will also focus on addressing the challenges of setting up or building a men's health physiotherapy service. The course will also focus on how to deliver a telehealth specialist male pelvic health physiotherapy via online platforms such zoom & skype and the challenges and opportunities this poses.
Dr. Jo Milios "Advanced Male Pelvic Health including Focused Shockwave"
Course Focus
This course will be delivered live online via zoom over two days (8-12pm UK time) on Saturday /Sunday 2/3rd July 2022. (fully recorded for delegates)
In this new course designed specifically for Gerard and Greene Seminars Jo will invite us into her clinic and enable us to explore the other complex male pelvic health work she does and has been pioneering over the last couple of years. We know her as "Prostate Jo Jo " and a world leading prostate cancer physiotherapy clinician, researcher, advocate, educator, and mentor but there is much else Jo does in her specialist men's health clinics in Perth, Western Australia.
22nd October 2022: 9am-5pm
Join us for a "Live" online Physio course to assess and treat mums with mastitis, blocked ducts , cracked nipples & much more!
Join us for one of the only Live online Physiotherapy course to assess and treat mums with mastitis, blocked ducts , cracked nipples & much more. This course is aimed primarily at Physiotherapists who have experience or interest in treating mums but is also suitable for GPs, medics, midwives, health visitors, lactation consultants , osteopaths & chiropractors.
We will cover :
Breast anatomy & physiology
Anatomy & physiology of the lactating breast
Disorders of Breastfeeding
Assessment & treatment of Mastitis
Learn Therapeutic Ultrasound for Mastitis
Assessment & treatment of cracked nipples
Learn Low Level Laser Therapy for Cracked Nipples
Learn Lymphatic drainage for breast conditions
Learn Lymphatic drainage taping for breast conditions
Better breast health Posture and mechanics for feeding
Helping with exercising while breast feeding
Breast health and returning to sport and activity
Breast health and returning to intimacy
This innovative Live online course via Zoom is designed for both Musculoskeletal, Sports and Women’s health Physios, Chiros, Osteopaths and Sports Therapists who want to learn more about the assessment , treatment and management of pregnancy related conditions.
Participants on this Course will cover:
This course will discuss the different types of cancers that affect the pelvic floor and how we can help these patients.
A 1 1/2 day LIVE ONLINE via zoom course for healthcare professionals to increase their knowledge on the changes experienced by women at this life stage, and the impact this has on treatment and management plans.
All women will go through menopause and as physiotherapists, women’s health and MSK, we will be assessing and treating these women for a variety of conditions, some influenced directly by hormonal changes and others that need an understanding of the impact menopausal symptoms have.
There are many symptoms of menopause from pelvic floor changes to musculoskeletal issues, weight gain, hot flushes and mood swings- which all happen at a time in women’s life when their other commitments are still high; whether that’s work and career, caring for elderly parents, growing children, maintaining existing or finding new relationships, or all of those, society also expects women to age ‘well’, and this was all before the additional pressures of Covid-19!
There is increasing evidence of the value of a holistic and biopsychosocial approach to supporting these patients. This course will develop healthcare professionals’ skills to offer a clinically reasoned approach to do that, structuring treatment, and management on an ongoing basis to improve outcomes and long-term quality of life.
New for 2020
Live Online Combined Male, Female and adolescent Athletic Pelvis & Pelvic Floor Course
This new two day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists, Sports Med Physicians & clinicians with an interest in refreshing, updating or developing their skills in assessing and managing Pelvic, hip and lumbar spine dysfunction in the elite and recreational male & Female athlete to include adolescent athletes. It will cover the spectrum of presenting patients from weekend warriors, post natal mums to elite sport.
Join Sarah for this LIVE ONLINE Yoga course.
( Let Sarah tell you how it will all work, also run live on line for Irish Physio Association , ICSP and us in 2020 to great acclaim & feedback) .
To ensure you all get the most out of the course, you’ll have a recording of the course and we’ll record the breathwork and sequences separately so you can access these easily later.
We will practice virtually together and in small groups other over the weekend, it works really well.
Come along to learn about the evidence for using a yoga-based approach for treatment and rehabilitation of MSK conditions, chronic and pelvic pain conditions, healthy ageing and mental health conditions. The evidence and strategies to help managed the associated stress and anxiety around these conditions and the times we and our patients find ourselves in right now.
We will look at different yoga styles, a sequence of postures & modifications incorporating stability, balance, flexibility, and the benefits of breathwork. The course is experiential, we practice together so you can feel the benefit for yourselves and then use this approach with patients.
We are offering an optional one-to-one 30-minute follow-up video session after the course to help you to use this in clinical practice, be that face to face or virtually.
This will be one of the few Paediatric and adolescent Pelvic Floor and health courses to be run in the UK or Europe in 2020 and one of the 1st to be run as a live online course.
It is aimed at paediatric physiotherapists and pelvic health physiotherapists. With a focus on external techniques, education, behaviour modification, exercise and external pelvic floor techniques this course will equip delegates to add this specialised area of pelvic health to their clinical practice.
This new two day course sponsered by MDTI is designed for both Musculoskeletal, Sports and Women’s health Physios, Chiros, Osteopaths and Sports Therapists who want to learn more about the assessment , treatment and management of pregnancy related conditions.
Participants on this Course will cover:
This will be one of the few Paediatric and adolescent Pelvic Floor and health courses to be run in the UK or Europe in 2019. It is aimed at paediatric physiotherapists and pelvic health physiotherapists. With a focus on external techniques, education, behaviour modification, exercise and external pelvic floor techniques this course will equip delegates to add this specialised area of pelvic health to their clinical practice.
The course will focus on Paediatric Pelvic Health : The next frontier in Pelvic Physiotherapy.
This new & innovative hybrid clinical course is designed for both MSk, Sports and Women’s health Physios & health professionals
This new hybrid and innovative two day course is designed for Musculoskeletal, Sports and Women’s health Physios, Chiros, Osteopaths and Sports Therapists who want to learn more about the assessment , treatment and management of pregnancy related conditions.
All of the course theory ( equivalent day 1 ) will be sent to you approx 3 weeks before the course which you will be able to study in your own time. Day 2 will be in our Birmingham Pregnancy, Post-Natal Physiotherapy clinic and will consist of face to face teaching of hands on practical techniques and also interactive discussion.
Participants on this Course will cover:
In this two day course we will provide physiotherapists with an intensive overview of the structure and function of the female pelvis and pelvic floor. This course is designed for theNew Women's Health physiotherapist interested in getting experience at pelvic floor examination and treatment. Also ideal for the Women's Health Physio who wishes toexpand their skill set and to develop their examination and treatment skills. Perfect also for those clinicians returning to Women's Health Physiotherapy.
Physiotherapists on this Course will cover:
Integrating Spinal Manipulation and Combined Movements for pain & dysfunction.
(This 2 day course covers the theory and application of spinal manual therapy, including manipulative thrusts, with emphasis on the use of combined movements).
This practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector:
On completion participants will have:
For the £30 booking fee, you will recieve £30 worth of free formthotics to use straight away back in your clinic!
This practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector:
On completion participants will have:
Tutor: Mr John O Regan. MCSP, HCPC, Physiotherapist & Podiatrist.
John has extensive combined MSk Physio & Podiatry experience in orthotic fitting.
This practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector:
On completion participants will have:
Tutor: Mr John O Regan. MCSP, HCPC, Physiotherapist & Podiatrist.
John has extensive combined MSk Physio & Podiatry experience in orthotic fitting.
This practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector:
On completion participants will have:
Tutor: Mr John O Regan. MCSP, HCPC, Physiotherapist & Podiatrist.
John has extensive combined MSk Physio & Podiatry experience in orthotic fitting.
This innovative two day course sponsered by Kegel8 is designed for both Musculoskeletal, Sports and Women’s health Physios, Chiros, Osteopaths and Sports Therapists who want to learn more about the assessment , treatment and management of pregnancy related conditions.
Participants on this Course will cover:
This 1 day practical, in person course will be held at Barefoot Birmingham UK
Join Sarah for ...
This new two-day course introduces physiotherapists and healthcare professionals to using a yoga-based approach for treatment and rehabilitation with their patients.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
ï‚· Review the anatomy and physiology of the Cervical Spine to the pelvic floor
ï‚· Define normal abdominal and thoracic pressures and how these pressures are increased with normal postures, positions and activities.
ï‚· Discuss the typical dysfunctions of the upper quarter and how these regions have input to changes in physiology of the trigeminal and vagal ANS
ï‚· Explain the relevant effects of upper quarter stiffness on fatigability of the pelvic floor muscles and training
ï‚· Outline new concepts of intervention techniques to reduce the effects of cervical/thoracic dysfunction on the respiratory, neurological and musculoskeletal systems.
Dynamic Taping Practical Seminar: Birmingham
Dynamic Taping seminars are highly practical workshops which provide a clear understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice.
Dynamic Taping seminars are highly practical workshops which provide a clear
understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice
This exciting practical Seminar will enable participants to:
Develop their understanding of the role of Dynamic taping
Develop expertise in the application of Dynamic taping for common clinical conditions.
Become proficient at applying Dynamic taping effectively to a variety of regions
This exciting practical Seminar will enable participants to:
Develop their understanding of the role of Dynamic taping.
Develop expertise in the application of Dynamic
taping for common clinical conditions.
Become proficient at applying Dynamic taping effectively to a variety of regions.
Tutor: Melanie Betts, MSc (Manip Ther); MMACP; MCSP; (Glasgow ‘14, London ‘12 Olympic Volunteer Physio, Private Practitioner, DTape Tutor, MSc MSk Lecturer (MSc Manual Ther/MACP Clinical mentor)
Dynamic Tape for Musculoskeletal and Sports Applications: Birmingham
Dynamic Taping seminars are highly practical workshops which provide a clear
understanding of the principles and
techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice.
This exciting practical Seminar will enable participants to:
Develop their understanding of the role of Dynamic taping
Develop expertise in the application of Dynamic
taping for common clinical conditions
Become proficient at applying Dynamic taping effectively to a
variety of regions
Dynamic Taping seminars are highly practical workshops which provide a clear understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice.
This exciting practical Seminar will enable participants to:
Develop their understanding of the role of Dynamic taping.
Develop expertise in the application of Dynamic
taping for common clinical conditions.
Become proficient at applying Dynamic taping effectively to a variety of regions.
Dynamic Taping seminars are highly practical workshops which provide a clear understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice.
This exciting practical Seminar will enable participants to:
- Develop their understanding of the role of Dynamic taping
- Develop expertise in the application of Dynamic taping for common clinical conditions
- Become proficient at applying Dynamic taping effectively to a variety of regions.
- Use Dynamic Tape in the clinic or sports setting
This highly practical seminar will focus on the use and applicaton of Dynamic Tape for common conditions such as :
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Pregnancy related posterior hip pain
Pregnancy related musculoskeletal low back pain
Post Natal thoracic pain
Rectus diastasis
The Physios in the Pregnancy and post natal physio clinics in Barefoot Harborne, Kings Heath and MUMS clinic Solihul have pioneered the use of Dynamic Tape in this area of specialised practice .
Tutor: Gerard Greene MSc (Manip Ther); MMACP; MCSP; HCPC; PgCertEd
The Course will enable participants to:
This new 2 day course with Joanne Millios will focus on the Assessment and Management of the Pre and Post Prostatetomy patient and other common Men's Health presentations. There will be an emphasis on the use on non invasive ( external ) assessment techniques to include diagnostic Ultrasound imaging which form part of Jo's PhD. The course will address the management of common conditions such as urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction and pelvic pain. Jo will also outline the important role of Physio led exercise classes for this patient group. This course will be of interest to Irish and international physios who are either currently working in Men's or Womens' Health but want to develop more expertise in these conditions especially Prostate Cancer. It is also suitable for Physios who currently have no experience of Pelvic health but have an interest in getting involved in Men's Health Physio and are keen to use non invasive techniques. Jo has the ability of bringing her extensive and unique men's health clinical and research experience to her teaching. It will be a great two days which will impact hugely on the participants' clinical practice.
Essential Respiratory Anatomy & Physiology
Normal Airway clearance physiology; reasons for sputum retention and the impact of pathology on
sputum movement. Principles of airway clearance
The AD Technique- breathing pattern and lung volumes DVD demonstration- patient skilled in
performing AD breathing. How AD works.
Airway clearance techniques overview; How techniques work -physiological basis, and tailoring to the
individual patient
Musculoskeletal physio post thoracotomy/sternotomy/ chestwall reconstruction Incentive spirometry –
types, when/ should we use?
Physiotherapy role and enhanced recovery in post-operative respiratory care, including case study
evidence. Differences in approach for VATs lobectomy vs open thoracotomy.
Routine postop physio? Who is higher risk?
Adjuncts/ Innovation in Postop physiotherapy- Incentive spirometry, Use of PEP post lobectomy,
AD- DVD demo
Evaluation of patient problems –clinical reasoning strategy with physiological basis
This 2 day Introductory Men’s Health Physiotherapy course will focus on the Assessment and management of the Male Pelvic Pain patient & Introduce pelvic floor rehab for urinary incontinence post prostate cancer surgery.
Course presenter:
Mr Gerard Greene is an experienced musculoskeletal & Men’s health physio and is based in the UK. He works in male pelvic pain, pelvic floor rehab post prostate surgery, hard flaccid syndrome & also pelvic floor dysfunction in sport. He has established one of the few new pelvic health physio clinics in the UK and has experience in developing the role and service of Men’s health Physiotherapy. He presented at WCPT 2017 in Cape Town on Men’s health and was invited to teach the 1st Men’s Health course in South Africa with Joanne Millios (South African Physiotherapy Society).
Coure Overview
The Dry Needling and Medical Acupuncture level 1 is designed specifically to meet the
needs of busy MSK therapists with an interest in acupuncture for the t reatment of
musculoskeletal and associated disorders. A western medical diagnosis is encouraged,
however traditional Chinese concepts are combines with Western medical acupuncture to equip you with a general understanding of acupuncture and how it has evolved over the centuries. You will be introduced to techniques showing how myofascial trigger points and classical acupuncture points can be combined and integrated in to your daily practice for the benefit of your patient. The course will present evidence based research in acupuncture to support its teaching. There is a strong emphasis on health a n d s a f e t y, n e e d l i n g t e c h n i q u e s , contraindications and the importance of meridians and acupuncture point selection in the management of common musculoskeletal conditions. This allow you to develop confidence and experience in the use of acupuncture.
Who is the course aimed at?
Musculoskeletal practioneers such as Physiotherapists, GP, Sports Medicine Consultants, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Sport Therapists and other clinicians who work in the musculoskeletal and sports fields.
This one day course is Pre the Pelvic Summit 2016 (#pelvicsummit16) it is designed for Women’s and Men’s Health Physiotherapists who want to develop their knowledge in these areas of Pelvic Health.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
Tutor: Dr Sandy Hilton is a leading international Pelvic PT. She received her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Des Moines University in 2013. Sandy has contributed to 2 chapters, 2 papers, and a book on pelvic pain and what we can do about it in the clinic. She is an international instructor and speaker in the US, Canada, and at the NOI2012 conference in Australia. Sandy’s clinical interest is chronic pain with a particular interest in complex pelvic pain disorders for men and women.
Running a busy clinic in Chicago she has also been the Director of Programming for the Section on Women’s Health of the APTA since 2012. In her spare time Sandy is a stand-up comic!
Dr Ruth Jones: The Athletic Pelvis & Pelvic Floor
This new two day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists, Sports Med Physicians & clinicians with an interest in refreshing, updating or developing their skills in assessing and managing Pelvic, hip and lumbar spine dysfunction in the elite and recreational male & Female athlete.
Fee :
Total Course Fee: £287
Course Content
Identify Athletic pelvic, lumbar spine & hip presentations where pelvic floor dysfunction is implicated
Assessment and management of the female and male athletic Pelvis with Musculoskeletal, urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, sexual or colorectal dysfunction.
Be confident in the assessment of pelvic floor anatomy including differentiation of superficial and deep pelvic floor muscles
Develop skills to perform internal pelvic floor examination on male and female athletes.
Recognise potential disorders of pelvic floor muscle over-activity and relate this to athletic pelvic dysfunction in males & females
Use advanced manual therapy techniques for the pelvic floor muscles and neural tissue, including the pudendal nerve to include pelvic floor trigger pointing (Manual & EZ Magic techniques)
Assess and rehab the lumbar spine and pelvis using movement analysis & correction to treat pain and disability.
Dr Ruth Jones: The Athletic Pelvis & Pelvic Floor
This new two day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists, Sports Med Physicians & clinicians with an interest in refreshing, updating or developing their skills in assessing and managing Pelvic, hip and lumbar spine dysfunction in the elite and recreational male & Female athlete.
Dr Ruth Jones: Entry Level Pelvic Floor & Women’s Health Course
Dr Ruth jones is recognized as a leading Pelvic health Physio clinician, researcher, tutor, author & mentor. She combines teaching and presenting with working in her clinic in Southampton. This course will take new Pelvic health physios through the anatomy of the pelvic floor to becoming competent and confident in performing internal assessments and treatments. It will also combine traditional pelvic health skills with musculoskeletal skills to provide a more complete management of typical women’s health conditions. This course is ideal for the new women’s health physio or those who want to refresh and refine their skills.
You will learn
Dr Ruth Jones: Entry Level Pelvic Floor & Women’s Health Course
Dr Ruth jones is recognized as a leading Pelvic health Physio clinician, researcher, tutor, author & mentor. She combines teaching and presenting with working in her clinic in Southampton. This course will take new Pelvic health physios through the anatomy of the pelvic floor to becoming competent and confident in performing internal assessments and treatments. It will also combine traditional pelvic health skills with musculoskeletal skills to provide a more complete management of typical women’s health conditions. This course is ideal for the new women’s health physio or those who want to refresh and refine their skills.
You will learn
Dr Ruth Jones: Entry Level Pelvic Floor & Women’s Health Course
Dr Ruth jones is recognized as a leading Pelvic health Physio clinician, researcher, tutor, author & mentor. She combines teaching and presenting with working in her clinic in Southampton. This course will take new Pelvic health physios through the anatomy of the pelvic floor to becoming competent and confident in performing internal assessments and treatments. It will also combine traditional pelvic health skills with musculoskeletal skills to provide a more complete management of typical women’s health conditions. This course is ideal for the new women’s health physio or those who want to refresh and refine their skills.
Dr Ruth Jones: Entry Level Pelvic Floor & Women’s Health Course
Dr Ruth jones is recognized as a leading Pelvic health Physio clinician, researcher, tutor, author & mentor. She combines teaching and presenting with working in her clinic in Southampton. This course will take new Pelvic health physios through the anatomy of the pelvic floor to becoming competent and confident in performing internal assessments and treatments. It will also combine traditional pelvic health skills with musculoskeletal skills to provide a more complete management of typical women’s health conditions. This course is ideal for the new women’s health physio or those who want to refresh and refine their skills.
You will learn
This innovative two day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists with an interest in Women’s and Men’s Health wanting to refresh, update or develop their Ultrasound imaging skills.
On completion of the course participants will :
This highly practical course for the physiotherapist who wants to develop expertise in the assessment and treatment of the male pelvic floor and related conditions with an emphasis on male pelvic pain. Previously the course has attracted a spectrum of clinicians including experienced and new Women’s health physios, musculoskeletal & Sports physios ( male & female) who were keen to develop their scope of practice. This course will take physios through the anatomy of the male pelvic floor to becoming competent and confident in performing internal & external assessments. It will also combine traditional pelvic health skills with musculoskeletal skills to provide a more complete management of typical Men’s health conditions.
What will you learn on this course
This highly practical course for the physiotherapist who wants to develop expertise in the assessment and treatment of the male pelvic floor and related conditions with an emphasis on male pelvic pain. Previously the course has attracted a spectrum of clinicians including experienced and new Women’s health physios, musculoskeletal & Sports physios ( male & female) who were keen to develop their scope of practice. This course will take physios through the anatomy of the male pelvic floor to becoming competent and confident in performing internal & external assessments. It will also combine traditional pelvic health skills with musculoskeletal skills to provide a more complete management of typical Men’s health conditions.
Joanne Milios and Gerard Greene will focus on multiple areas of men’s pelvic health. JoAnne Milios will present her research on the treatment of post prostectomy urinary incontinence and the use of multiple exercise based modalities. She will also discuss her use of yoga in the treatment of both incontinence and pelvic pain in men who have had prostate surgery. The second half of the course will focus on a clinician’s perspective in the in treatment of male pelvic pain. Gerard Greene will present several musculoskeletal approaches to treating male pelvic pain as well as case studies.
This course is ideal for physios & other clinicians who want to add Ultrasound Imaging to their assessment & Management of Male & Female pelvic patients.
This free practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector: providing competency to prescribe & fit formthotics for a range of clinical conditions.
This course will focus on the detailed history taking of the complex conditions these men present with. Conditions that will be introduced and focused on will be Male Pelvic Pain, male athletic pelvic pain , hard flaccid syndrome, post prostatectomy urinary incontinence and post prostatectomy erectile dysfunction . This course will also focus on addressing the challenges of setting up or building a men's health physiotherapy service. The course will also focus on how to deliver a telehealth specialist male pelvic health physiotherapy via online platforms such zoom & skype and the challenges and opportunities this poses.
Who should attend:
Designed for Male & Female Physios who want to develop/update their interest in Men’s Health Physiotherapy, including those with a Women’s Health, Musculoskeletal or Sports background. It will equip you to start working with male pelvic patients and to develop a new role or service.
(Limited to 12 places )
This new 2 day course with Joanne Millios will focus on the Assessment and Management of the Pre and Post Prostatetomy patient and other common Men's Health presentations. There will be an emphasis on the use on non invasive ( external ) assessment techniques to include diagnostic Ultrasound imaging which form part of Jo's PhD. The course will address the management of common conditions such as urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction and pelvic pain. Jo will also outline the important role of Physio led exercise classes for this patient group. This course will be of interest to international and UK physios who are either currently working in Men's or Womens' Health but want to develop more expertise in these conditions especially Prostate Cancer. It is also suitable for Physios who currently have no experience of Pelvic health but have an interest in getting involved in Men's Health Physio and are keen to use non invasive techniques. Jo has the ability of bringing her extensive and unique men's health clinical and research experience to her teaching. It will be a great two days which will impact hugely on the participants' clinical practice.
Course Fee : £287 ( deposit to secure place £87 with remainder of payment by 17th July 2016)
Join us on Saturday 27th April 2024 : 7.30pm in The Greenman Harborne.
This free practical seminar is aimed at Physios & health professionals based in the Private sector: On completion participants will have: Competency to prescribe & fit formthotics for a range of clinical conditions Experience at selecting the most appropriate formthotic device for various clinical presentations. Developed confidence in using , handling and fitting the product through practical hands on demonstration and practice.
(There will only be 8 places )
Live Online ( Australian Eastern Time )
When: Saturday/ Sunday 10/11th October 2020 ( Eastern Australian Time )
This innovative Live online course is designed for MSk, Sports and Women Health Physios .
Live online ( Australian Eastern Time ) for Australian & New Zealand Physios
This New Live online 2 day Introductory Men’s Health Physiotherapy course will focus on the Assessment and management of the Men's Health Physiotherapy patient.
This is a highly practical workshop which will provide a clear understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice
This exciting new practical Seminar will enable participants to:
This new two day course is designed for both Musculoskeletal, Sports and Women’s health Physios, Chiros, Osteopaths and Sports Therapists who want to learn more about the assessment , treatment and management of pregnancy related conditions.
Participants on this Course will cover:
Sponsered by Kegel8 www.kegel8.co.uk
On completion of the course participants will:
This will be one of the few paediatric to adult life span bowel courses to have ever run in in the UK, Ireland or Europe. It is aimed at paediatric physiotherapists and pelvic health physiotherapists.
Description: This course will explore treatment of the bowel from pediatrics to adults. Bowel issues can often start in childhood and plague people throughout their lifespan. When caught early, many of these bowel problems can be eliminated. Constipation is often present early on and can get worse as people age. Conversely, many adults that come to pelvic floor therapy with bowel issues developed these habits in childhood. Therapists must be comfortable asking about bowel history in order to be able to reverse long standing bowel issues. This course will talk about treatment of constipation, fecal incontinence, and other bowel issues from childhood through adulthood. Participants will learn both evaluation and treatment techniques for this population and will come away with things that they can use in the clinic the next day!
Pregnancy, Post Natal & Women’s Health Physiotherapy
An evening of Pelvic Floor & Prosecco for West Midlands NCT & Ante & Post Natal Practitioners
Speaker: Fiona Mitchell, Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist.
1. Managing Pelvic Girdle Pain
2. Checking for a Rectus Diastasis and it’s Management
3. Effective Pelvic Floor rehab
4. Prolapse : Assessment & Management
5. Good Bowel habits post natally
6. Post Natal return to exercise
Twitter: @womenshealthfb
Facebook : Harborne Pregnancy And Women's Health Physiotherapy
Innovative two day clincial course will incorporate a mechanisms based approach to clinical reasoning; refine objective Testing to include functional demo, differential testing, mini treatments, developing innovative practices and much more
This innovative two day clinical course will enable participants to:
This innovative two day clinical course will enable participants to:
This one day CPD course is ideal for Physiotherapists, midwives, osteopaths, chiropractors and other healthcare clinicians to learn how to integrate acupuncture into the management of women’s health patients
The main areas cover during the course will be:
Join International tutors Dr. Hugo Pinto and Physiotherapist Simon Coghlan who will take your acupuncture skills to the next level and achieve clinical results you never thought possible.
A must for Physios & Clinicians working in Sport, Musculoskeletal, Pain management, Rheumatology and orthopaedics.
This new Foundation Acupuncture course will provide the required knowledge and understanding of the physiological effects of acupuncture on pain management and the healing process. On completion of the course participants will be able to practise acupuncture in a safe and appropriate manner, in a clinical setting.
This new two day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists & clinicians with an interest in refreshing, updating or developing their skills in assessing and managing Chronic Pelvic Pain to include bladder and bowel dysfunction, prolapse, chronic pelvic pain,pudendal neuralgia, prostate pain, and bladder pain syndromes in men and women.
A Closer Look at Pelvic Pain: Dr Ruth Jones
This two day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists & clinicians with an interest in refreshing, updating or developing their skills in assessing and managing Chronic Pelvic Pain.
On completion of the course participants will:
Be confident in the assessment of pelvic floor anatomy including differentiation of superficial and deep pelvic floor muscles
Recognise potential disorders of pelvic floor muscle over-activity, and applying this to treat bladder and bowel dysfunction, prolapse, chronic pelvic pain, prostate pain, and bladder pain syndromes in men and women
Use advanced manual therapy techniques for the pelvic floor muscles and neural tissue, including the pudendal nerve
Develop a clinically useful, holistic model to illustrate and effectively manage the multi-dimensional aspect of pain, especially the “difficult” cases.
Assess and rehab the lumbar spine and pelvis using movement analysis & correction to treat pain and disability.
Dr Ruth Jones: The Athletic Pelvis & Pelvic Floor
This new two day clinical course is ideal for physiotherapists, Sports Med Physicians & clinicians with an interest in refreshing, updating or developing their skills in assessing and managing Pelvic, hip and lumbar spine dysfunction in the elite and recreational male & Female athletes
Total Course Fee: £287
Deposit to secure place of £87 with full fee payable by 1st September 2016
( All funds raised will go to the Pelvic Pain Support Network Charity)
( Recordings available for all who register)
Lucy Allen : Digestive health: An explanding area of pelvic health physiotherapy
Clare Bourne: 'Building Strong Foundations - Pelvic Health through life'
Tom Love: Google, Marketing and Pelvic Health: reaching and helping more patients
Gerard Greene: Male pelvic pain: new developments
Sun, 23 Oct 2022: 09:00am - 05:00pm
This 2 day Introductory Men’s Health Physiotherapy course will focus on the Assessment and management of the Men's Health Physiotherapy patient. It will focus on the detailed history taking of the complex conditions these men present with. Conditions that will be introduced and focused on will be Male Pelvic Pain, male athletic pelvic pain , hard flaccid syndrome, post prostatectomy urinary incontinence and post prostatectomy erectile dysfunction . This course will also focus on addressing the challenges of setting up or building a men's health physiotherapy service.
***As delivered on the Mummy MOT for Maria Elliot***
"Taught by clinicians for clinicians "
"Ante & Post Natal Applications of Dynamic Taping"
This exciting & newly updated practical Seminar will enable participants to:
Develop their understanding of the role of Dynamic taping
Develop expertise in the application of Dynamic for Ante
& Post Natal presentations including :
Dynamic Taping seminars are highly practical workshops which provide a clear
understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice
This exciting practical Seminar will enable participants to:
Develop their understanding of the role of Dynamic taping
Develop expertise in the application of Dynamic taping for common clinical conditions.
Become proficient at applying Dynamic taping effectively to a variety of regions
Dynamic Taping seminars are highly practical workshops which provide a clear
understanding of the principles and techniques that can be used immediately in clinical practice
This exciting practical Seminar will enable participants to:
Develop their understanding of the role of Dynamic taping
Develop expertise in the application of Dynamic taping for common clinical conditions.
Become proficient at applying Dynamic taping effectively to a variety of regions
This new two day course is designed for both Musculoskeletal, Sports and Women’s health Physios, Chiros, Osteopaths and Sports Therapists who want to learn more about the assessment , treatment and management of pregnancy related conditions.
Participants on this Course will cover: