

On May 25th, 2018 the General data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) comes into effect.  It changes some of the current laws and regulations that constitute the Date Protection Act (1998), affecting the whole of Europe for businesses and organisations who collect and store data. 


As a small company, Greene Seminars has a strict policy on data protection. In 2014 we began using a software package called Eventbrite for all our events and which we use for storing personal data.  It is important that you understand that we will look after your data and not share it with anyone.  Furthermore, if you want to see how we handle the data and how we ensure it remains secure you can ask to see our policy on data control. 

The clinic owner and lead clinician , Gerard Greene and lead admin George Chinn have gone through many years of data protection training.  For the purposes of fulfilling our GDPR obligations both represent Greene Seminars, with George being the official Data Officer.  You can email us on gerard@greenephysio.co.uk if you have any queries about how we manage and handle your data.  


Personal Data

This amounts to all the information we hold about a person.  This includes: name; date of birth; address; email; phone number; and, GP.  It also includes personal information concerning your health, information that you have volunteered to share during a consultation.


Information Commissioners Office


Health and Care Professions Council


What is the Privacy policy of Eventbrite?

Please use this link to view the Privacy policy of Eventbrite.

Non Eventbrite Data?

If you have booked an event directly with us your details such as email, name, bank details will be stored on a password protected cloud server. We process BACS payments via HSBC which also has a GDPR policy.


Why do you need my data?

We require your data in order to book you on the events we organise and you would like to attend.


Why do you want my email?

Email is the standard way to communicate with clients and we have had great success in developing a business that relies on email.  If you wish to book a ticket for a course or event online then we will require an email.  At Greene Seminars we only use emails to provide details about your booking.  Emails also provide a reminder about a booking.  These are sent at the time of booking and also automatically sent out the day before your appointment.  and subsequent course information.  We may also send you carefully information on carefully selected courses that may be of interest to you . You can of course easily opt out of there.


We will not share your email with anyone else.


Can I see my the data you hold about me?

Yes, we will make this information available for you at any time you wish.  You will need to write to us or email us and consent to the release of the information.  A small administration charge is made for this. 


What if I don’t want my data stored?

Should you not wish this information to be kept after your course attendance we will with your consent delete it.  


How do you know you are secure?

To ensure we are maintaining security we perform an audit once a year to ensure all our processes are in keeping with GDPR.

We have prepared our checklist in accordance with the guidelines set out by ICO (https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/)


I have paid by card payment, is this safe?

We take payments through Eventbrite, BACS or World Pay.  Eventbrite is compliant with industry standard GDPR, as is HSBC our banking partner and World Pay is chip and pin and is one of the safest methods to take a card payment.  We are compliant with the PCI DSS (payment card industry data security standard).  This is something that we check annually with World pay.


I want to know how my data is stored

You can have all the information relating to data storage by requesting a call back from Greene Seminars or by emailing gerard@greenephysio.co.uk


Audit Date: 21th April 2018
Article update:  21rd April 2018