Respiratory Update Course: Dr Paula Agostini West Midlands, Sat 24th Nov 2018

This one-day course will enable clinicians to:

  • Update and refresh their Respiratory clinical skills
  • Improve their respiratory clinical reasoning abilities
  • Develop Respiratory  background knowledge to include
    • Pulmonary Pathology, Respiratory Anatomy & Physioloogy,
    • Ventilation & Postioning
    • Effects of Anaesthesia
    • Respiratory failure
  • Explore patient management through the use of Case Studies

Tutor: Dr. Paula Agostini PhD MSc MCSP

Paula works as a Clinicial Specialist in Thoracic Surgery in Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. She is a recognized expert in respiratory physiotherapy having  multiple peer reviewed publications in impact rated Journals and having presented at numerous conferences. She has extensive experience of delivering high quality respiratory CPD courses in the UK and Ireland. She is an External Guest lecturer for Birmingham University and University of Central England. She has a  PHd in Respiratory Physiotherapy in  Coventry University and is a frequent guest speaker at International Throacic and respiratory conferences.

Saturday, November 24th 2018
9:00AM - 5:00PM
£147.00 Book Now using EventBrite
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