Dublin Dr Paula Agostini: Respiratory Physio day for the experienced clinician:

This bespoke  one-day course will focus on :


           Essential Respiratory Anatomy & Physiology

           Normal Airway clearance physiology; reasons for sputum retention and the impact of pathology on   

           sputum movement. Principles of airway clearance

            The AD Technique- breathing pattern and lung volumes   DVD demonstration- patient skilled in

            performing AD breathing. How AD works.

            Airway clearance techniques overview; How techniques work -physiological basis, and tailoring to the

            individual patient

             Musculoskeletal physio post thoracotomy/sternotomy/ chestwall reconstruction  Incentive spirometry –

             types, when/ should we use?

              Physiotherapy role and enhanced recovery in post-operative respiratory care, including case study

              evidence. Differences in approach for VATs lobectomy vs open thoracotomy.

              Routine postop physio? Who is higher risk?

              Adjuncts/ Innovation in Postop physiotherapy- Incentive spirometry, Use of PEP post lobectomy,

              AD- DVD demo

              Evaluation of patient problems –clinical reasoning strategy with physiological basis



Tutor: Dr. Paula Agostini PhD MSc MCSP

Dr Paula Agostini PhD MSc MCSP, is a Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, working with patients undergoing thoracic surgery, both with acute and chronic pulmonary pathology. With 23 years clinical experience, most in respiratory care, she has many years of teaching experience also- under and post graduate, work based, university based, and on specific 1 and 2 day courses. She has published 12 papers to date, focussing on physiotherapy following thoracic surgery, and prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications. Much of her research has been presented both nationally and internationally. Paula has worked over many years with Jean Chevaillier, the developer of the AD technique, to define and explain the technique and the physiological basis for publication in order that therapists might have a better understanding of the principles. She has also explored the evidence base in a review paper. She has taught therapists the ‘art’ of AD since 2000, with the approval of Jean to do so. More recently in the courses, and for the first time in written form, advanced elements of the technique are passed on to therapists, directly as Jean has explained.

Saturday, June 9th 2018
9:00AM - 5:00PM
St James Hospital
Dublin 8
£115.00 Book Now using EventBrite
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